Dave Drum

Author David Drum – Jesus’ Surprising Strategy and If It Was Easy, Jesus Wouldn’t Have Prayed For It

David’s story, shared in both of his books, is one of selfless dedication to an ideal – unity – that is becoming a reality as community leaders and advocates, both Christian and non-Christian, find new ways to work together for the greater good of the citizens in Tucson, Arizona. As they do, they shatter barriers and divisions, and discover the power of one profound prayer uttered by the One whose life comprises the greatest story ever told.

You have a story to tell, too! Whether it’s about your life or career, about what God has done in your life – or a combination of the two, your book will help you tell that story in a way that will touch reader’s emotions and move their hearts.

Contact me today to schedule a free, in-person consultation. I’ll learn more about you and your story, and then I’ll reveal how we can work together each week to write your book and ready it to self-publish or market to a publishing house.

I can also work with you to create your author website and develop your ministry platform so that you will successfully market your book once it is published…and reach people directly with your story, to God’s glory!

My Core Values

INTEGRITY: I will be honest and not lie or mislead in anything I do.

WORK ETHIC: I will have a consistent commitment to honor best practices for writing, editing, publishing, and coaching; I will seek ongoing training for my skills.

COMMUNICATION: I will communicate with clients and my team clearly and thoroughly regarding expectations, processes and deadlines, scope of work, and terms and conditions of agreements.

INTERACTION: I will practice one-on-one interaction with a customized, personalized approach to help others tell their story.

RESPONSIBILITY: I will be accountable for my business' finances and sustainable practices; I will be accountable to my causes through my volunteerism and giving.

Request your FREE consulting appointment with Adam to discuss your book or writing / project needs